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We run an LGBT+ social night once a month in Yeovil, as part of our ongoing #QueerAllYear campaign. “Let’s Get Beverages Together” is our long-standing friendly, informal meet up every third Tuesday of the month. In 2024 we are also now holding “Saturday Sessions” on the last Saturday of each month, with a theme of either reading, crafting or gaming at each gathering.

It’s important for people to have a safe space where they can connect with other people who have similar experiences. The LGBT+ community is a spectrum and no two of us are the same, but it’s great to come together and be your authentic selves in a supportive and welcoming environment.

The social is held at Westlands Entertainment Venue, in the main bar area and we meet from 7pm. Look out for rainbows and various LGBT+ flags decorating our tables! There’s always at least one of our trustees present, so if you’re attending by yourself for the first time check out our Meet The Team page.

Below are some FAQs that have come up in conversations so far, but if you have any questions that aren’t answered below please feel free to get in touch with us.

Are under 18s allowed?
This is an evening meet up, at a venue that sells alcoholic drinks, and is therefore for over 18s only. We might consider running occasional dedicated under-18s socials in the future if there is call for it among the young people in our area, where we might get Breakfast or Brunch together instead during the day time. However, we are incredibly lucky in to have two great youth organisations nearby, and would signpost under 18s to 2BU Somerset or Space Youth Project in the mean time.

Are allies allowed?
Yes. By welcoming allies to the table, we also make space for any closeted LGBT+ people to join us without fear of being outed. With this in mind, no-one should be questioning anyone on why they are present. We do remind attending allies that this social meet up exists for the empowerment and benefit of LGBT+ people, and politely request that they practise good allyship. If you’re not sure what that means, the internet is your friend and this article is a great place to start.

Do I have to be there at 7pm?
Not at all, sessions are very informal and you are welcome to come and go ask you please. Some people are late because they come straight from work, some come at 7 but leave early because they have an early start they next day. No-one is keeping score and if you would like to join us, we would be delighted to welcome you for however long you’d like to stay.

Is the venue accessible?
Westlands is one of the most accessible spaces in Yeovil, and so we run a lot of our events here. There are 14 disabled parking spaces, step-free access to all public areas, accessible toilets and helpful staff. For performances etc, there are also additional facilities such as touch tours, BSL interpreted show and a companion scheme. For more information you can see their Access Guide or the Access Page on their website.

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