Safeguarding Lead: Lucinda Langdon

Yeovil Diversity Project is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. We expect all trustees and volunteers, and those we interact with to share this commitment.

We believe that we have a responsibility to make sure that others are safe and so we are committed to providing a safe, secure and healthy environment at our events wherever possible.

We believe that if this commitment is to be put into practice then the Safeguarding Policy we have drawn up must be adhered to, communicated and fully understood and applied by everybody associated with the charity. All trustees undergo a DBS check before being appointed to the Board and have a Lanyard ID to prove their identity. Our Safeguarding Policy, while an internal document, is available to anyone upon request.


If we know or suspect that a child, young person or adult at risk is being abused, we will do something about it and ensure our work is properly recorded. We will share information in a timely way.